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The States Project (“TSP”) Kick-off Event

The States Project (“TSP”) Kick-off Event

We feel called to respond to the attack on democracy waged by the far right in state legislatures, which disproportionately affects our Black and Brown brothers and sisters.  Dismantling free and fair elections in swing states, suppressing the right to vote, denying people accessible quality health care, denying a woman the right to choose, and lifting environmental protections perpetuates systemic racism.  In the fight for economic, racial and social equality, we should look to state legislatures.

What can we do?  We can invest in The States Project (“TSP”) (  We believe state political races matter. States are where election laws are written and where voter suppression begins. They are also where issues like healthcare, civil rights, environmental legislation, and education funding are decided. See this short video about the States project, this video

We will keep writing postcards and phone banking to register voters and get them to the polls, thank you Dee Seligman and the Center for Common Ground (“CCG”)!  And, we strongly believe investment in state legislative candidates through TSP complements our participation in the CCG. 

TSP has created Giving Circles to allow us to organize together to raise funds which can be much more impactful than our individual donations. We have started a Unity Coalition Giving Circle. San Francisco Black and Jewish Unity Coalition.

TSP works to change the balance of power in state legislatures, where relatively small amounts of funding can flip state houses, which can yield rapid and meaningful changes for people.

Giving Circles like ours organize their communities to pool resources to shift the balance of power in state capitols. In 2018, for example, two TSP Giving Circles helped flip the Maine State Senate. The results were almost immediate. In 2019, they watched as policies like paid leave for workers, more support for better schools, and lowering the costs of prescription drugs passed in the legislature, rapidly changing lives. And in 2020, many Giving Circles helped successfully defend progressive candidates in state legislatures.

Taking back state houses, district by district, is the cheapest and most effective way to change the direction of our country. As a TSP Giving Circle, we have a choice of which state to target. You can help us select which of the six states we will choose this year. This is an opportunity for civic engagement that can directly affect change.

Joining a Giving Circle means gathering together, learning about our democracy, and pooling our resources. TSP provides materials, tools, and guidance along the way — they’ve made it easy for us to have a huge impact. In the process, we will get to know one another and our country better. 

Come, learn more and let’s partner together to defend our democracy. Share this email invitation with your family and friends to join us Thursday, March 24th at 6:00 p.m. for our kick-off event, Zoom link below. The more partners, the more impact we will have!  This might be the most important thing you do in 2022!

We CAN make a difference!

Bonnie Lindauer and Zanne Mrlik,

Co-chairs, SF Black & Jewish Unity Coalition’s Giving Circle

Meet The States Project!

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March 22

Criminal Justice & Prison Reform Committee Meeting

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