More and more, universities, organizations, and companies are drafting and implementing Indigenous land acknowledgement statements and media makers are hoping to incorporate Native representations into their work. But how do we make sure that these attempts at recognition and representation don't stop at check-boxes or symbolic work, or become token inclusion without meaningful change?
In this powerful virtual event, scholar, writer, and cultural critic, Dr. Adrienne Keene (Cherokee Nation), will discuss the history and context of these current movements and examine case studies of how to move beyond the token or symbolic and into deeper, sustainable change. She’ll also highlight examples from her new book Notable Native People: 50 Indigenous Leaders, Dreamers, and Changemakers from Past and Present, which will be available for purchase in the SpeakOut online store.
Dr. Adrienne Keene is a scholar, writer, and activist who is passionate about reframing how the world sees contemporary Native cultures and issues. A professor at Brown University, Dr. Keene’s blog, Native Appropriations is dedicated to pushing back against stereotypes and misrepresentations of Native peoples. She is also co-host of the All My Relations podcast and a popular SpeakOut speaker.